As you can see, I removed the link before I even got a chance to review this. Such is the way of blogs. I truly apologize to the person who contacted me about the link, and I promise that no KiC post will offer anything for download from your label again. I should point out, however, that without the blogs, I would not have ever heard about this release, or your fine label. I think this speaks in part to the power of grass roots/word of mouth publicity. There is just too much new music, and too many reissues I'm waiting on, to prevent this sort of thing from falling through the cracks. Now I'd be thrilled to own this in my CD collection. However, I feel that KiC, and other MP3 blogs, sometimes force labels to accept this point of view, which is unfair. Just as the old bands were frustrated when their records couldn't be found in the local record stores, I'm sure there is a sinking feeling attached to finding one's album on an MP3 blog. We've gotten great feedback from several artists for the effort of putting obscure releases neglected by labels out there, but we've also been asked to pull things. From here on, I plan to be more active in contacting labels prior to any posting of new (calendar year) material, and I also want to extend a hand to the labels we've posted, and to artists we've yet to post.
USE THIS THREAD to request coverage of a release, or to set up contacts with KiC. I would love to review your material, and I won't post it to the net. Instead, I'll give a direct link to your label's ordering page if I like the record. If I don't, I'll write the review, and post it to one of the 'zines I write for. This is about sharing great music, and I want labels and artists to think of this as KiC doing promotional work for free, rather than the antagonistic relationship a few see in this situation.
To this end, KiC is in the early stages of a redesign and move to a legitamate URL, which will basically be like Pitchfork, or Dusted, but covering this sort of music. I know there is a glut of review sites, but few cover the kind of things we try to here, so I think it will be a welcome addition, and allow for more legitimacy and a wider audience for great music. Stay tuned!
USE THIS THREAD to request coverage of a release, or to set up contacts with KiC. I would love to review your material, and I won't post it to the net. Instead, I'll give a direct link to your label's ordering page if I like the record. If I don't, I'll write the review, and post it to one of the 'zines I write for. This is about sharing great music, and I want labels and artists to think of this as KiC doing promotional work for free, rather than the antagonistic relationship a few see in this situation.
To this end, KiC is in the early stages of a redesign and move to a legitamate URL, which will basically be like Pitchfork, or Dusted, but covering this sort of music. I know there is a glut of review sites, but few cover the kind of things we try to here, so I think it will be a welcome addition, and allow for more legitimacy and a wider audience for great music. Stay tuned!
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