More piano works, given to me by a very cool RYM friend. If I recall (this was a while ago), this Russian Futurism thing (highly knowledgeable post coming, lol) produced several composers and a host of work, but only a couple are well known today. The description of this work (and indeed this series) states the goal is to bring to light more composers from the era, and reveal (not that music lovers ever doubted the power of Russian creativity) the brilliant musical impetus of the times. While these pieces are not totally bizarre or atonal, there are highly contemporary moments in here, and a touch of reserved seriousness is present to scratch that peculiar Russian itch you might have.

Don Cherry is one of my all-time faves, and I've posted a few of his things on here before. The thing is, apart from a few moments, I don't hear him too much. This is definitely the sort of thing that he would be involved with, but this is not so much a vehicle for his playing, but an example of the type of thing he wanted to surround himself with. I always felt that, setting aside his eccentricities, especially later in his career, Cherry was the anti-jazzbo trumpeter.

Incredibly satisfying instrumental avant-folk. Very listenable. Had Cerberus Shoal started to worry that they no longer sounded "post-rock" after the release of The Land We All Believe In, this might be what the reversion and subsequent failure (genre-wise) would have sounded like.

Here is a fantastic follow up post. The Doneda, Le Quan Ninh album was a huge hit, so I put the latter's drum solo up album. Well, here is another Doneda album, with Jack Wright and Nakatani. This is fantastic improv which is every bit as awesome as you're expecting. I won't really expound on this except for the best effect I got was with headphones paying direct attention to it, because the dynamic on this album between loud and soft are cavernous. A serious album... very cool.

Found this recently via Danny's ratings. I'll leave the back story to Google, but I should say that street musicians of this caliber are very rare. There is one Chinese guy at Union Square that plays a similar instrument with drumsticks (!) and it sounds like Toumani Diabate playing a harpsichord. Indeed, that is basically what this album sounds like, especially the aggressive opening piece, which is the bulk of the album.

This is pretty much just another great set of pieces (and performances) in my recent modern composition binge. I've heard a few things by Schonberg, but I really like these smaller group pieces. Sometimes I think it is hard for a contemporary listener to understand what is so revolutionary here, and perhaps the is the composer's main triumph.

Have been waiting on Marclay, because I used to be a turntablist purist, only favoring the highly technical hip-hop DJ variant, however a couple albums, and most importantly, the Canadian Wire (more or less) Music Works (which publishes quarterly), did several stories on a variety of turntable players. The reference for all of them was Marclay, and now I know why. These pieces are amazing, and really, I think the best understanding of this work is archival musique concrete.

So, what we have here is a nice piece of music probably most accurately described as dark ambient neofolk, which should come as no surprise since the participants are Martyn Bates (of Eyeless In Gaza and several other projects) and Alan Trench (of Orchis).

Ghostly ambient, electro acoustic pieces from Schaefer. If you listen to enough of this stuff, and if you listen to the stuff on this blog with any regularity, you do, you'll see the difference when you're dealing with the works of an experienced composer in this field. Very little sounds are given the right frequency (in both senses of the word), and just the right amplification. Stunning and large as static and breezes can be.

Exciting pieces from Carter, performed admirably. I think some of the percussion can be tiring, but so many of the other sounds are placed very neatly here. Carter is one I need to explore more, but I want to know if he has any chamber pieces that you people like. Let me know. Also, if you are really into the modern composition stuff that I posted recently on KiC, I want you to contact me about writing on Junkmedia.
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